Polybi said: >> That is the whole point of EVERTTHING. 2257. 9/11. Everything. We have a cabal of crazed Armageddonists in power who have one goal: Deliver the planet to thier idea of what Christ wants, whether you like it or not. In the middle east, start a jihad. In the US, destroy the contstitution, which thye feel is nothing more than a hinderance. <<
Actually, the whole point behind it all is to seize control of the remaining oil on the planet (we've already hit Peak Oil; it's all downhill from here, and it's going to be a fast slide, with a very hard hit at the bottom). Mankind isn't going to survive this one intact, folks, and it's explicitly out there that they are going to have to kill off a huge percentage of the earth's population in order for our species to survive at all. Look up things like the Project For a New American Century for more specifics
www.newamericancentury.org/stat...s.htm - and take a look at who is involved in this travesty. This site speaks explicitly about needing to create major crises that will decrease the population and hand over complete control to the US government.
Our government is out to control the world, and for them to be able to do all of this, they've first got to be able to control us at home. Many of the Patriot Act's provisions are virtually identical to the German "Enabling Act" of 1933 (see www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/colmes2.html ), which is the act that enabled the Nazi take-over of Germany.
So guess what? It not only *can* happen here, we're right in the middle of it happening. This 2257 business is just the tip of the iceberg.
And of course, the first steps in controlling the populace are to disarm them (so we have all the gun control laws being passed), and to silence them - so we come to the muzzling of our First Amendment rights. Legislation against pornography such as 2257 is just the tip of the iceberg.
We have had many other abuses of our right to free speech, including even well-behaved protestors at the Republican National Convention being cordoned off a *mile* away from where George Bush was to be speaking, literally behind barbed wire, where they wouldn't be seen or heard. I'm just starting to learn about the extent of all of this, but it is pervasive. I am in communication with a well-respected journalist and blogger (Jack Dalton, whose blog can be found at jack-dalton.blogspot.com/2005/...e.html ), who is working hard to try to expose much of this who routinely has his Internet access cut off, for example - and it's verifiably
*not* due to spam or his ISP being down. What he's told me has convinced me he's right, that it's definitely people higher up the food chain being unhappy with what he's saying, trying to muzzle him. These are just two examples, but it is going on all over the place.
We've also got private citizens being arrested literally on the bus on the way to work - for the offense of refusing to show ID upon demand by police and armed guards who boarded expressly for the purpose of making people show their IDs. The Constitution guarantees freedom from such harassment - which we are familiar with as a tactic used in places like Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union, but it didn't stop Deborah Davis from being arrested. See www.papersplease.org/davis/index1.html Thank God the government has decided not to prosecute in this case, but if this isn't an example of the writing being on the wall for us all, I
don't know what is.
Oh, yes, and in case you weren't aware, we're going to be getting national identity cards in 2008. These cards are going to have computer chips embedded that will have extensive information on us, and they're going to be *required* for many things - like getting a driver's license - and be capable of tracking our movements and behaviors. "Papers please", anyone? See www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/colmes1.html for how this played out in Nazi Germany, and www.unrealid.com/index.html , and the CNet FAQ at
news.com.com/FAQ+How+Rea...5697111.html for more information on how this will affect us all.
The events of 9/11 just played right into this whole grand plan, giving Bush the pretext he needed to launch the Patriot Act (which was essentially already in the works anyways), with our countrymen just rolling over like sheep, handing over the keys to the henhouse to the fox, all in the name of hoping for a kind of security that can never actually exist, and certainly not without unacceptable loss of far too many of our civil rights. In fact, it can be proven that not only did the US know the attacks were coming, despite official denials, but Cheney himself was probably directly involved in actively facilitating them. (See my recent listing on this subject.)
I've never been one to view the world through the lens of suspected conspiracies, especially of the governmental sort, and have in fact always pooh-poohed them, but the more I learn about everything that is going on in this country and the world, the more convinced I become that this is, in fact, the granddaddy of all conspiracies.
If you haven't read _Crossing the Rubicon_ by Michael Ruppert, I recommend you get a copy and get reading right now. It is without a doubt one of the most important books of our generation, and it ties all of this together (and much, much more). If it doesn't leave you stunned and disillusioned and ready to fight, you probably aren't breathing, or are lacking more than two brain cells. You can order a copy (and start reading on the topics it raises) on the From the Wilderness site at www.fromthewilderness.com
Ruppert is a seasoned, decorated homicide detective who was bounced unceremoniously from his job with the LAPD without ever having had any disciplinary action against him when he started discovering the US government ties to the drug industry in South America, and _Crossing the Rubicon_ brings all of his professional detective skills to the investigation of 9/11 and the rest, so it is incredibly well-researched and fully documented.
(If you want more background behind this about how all of this fits in with US governmental policy since this country began, also check out Howard Zinn's _A People's History of the United States_.)
I've known for years that something like this *could* happen, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it could possibly happen as fast as it is, or, frankly, to the extent that's actually occurring. I'm as guilty as the next guy of paying no attention for years, but I'm awake and listening now, and this post is the distillation of some of the most important things I've learned in recent months.
Come join me, and help take back our country. What else really matters if we lose our civil rights and freedoms?
Actually, the whole point behind it all is to seize control of the remaining oil on the planet (we've already hit Peak Oil; it's all downhill from here, and it's going to be a fast slide, with a very hard hit at the bottom). Mankind isn't going to survive this one intact, folks, and it's explicitly out there that they are going to have to kill off a huge percentage of the earth's population in order for our species to survive at all. Look up things like the Project For a New American Century for more specifics
www.newamericancentury.org/stat...s.htm - and take a look at who is involved in this travesty. This site speaks explicitly about needing to create major crises that will decrease the population and hand over complete control to the US government.
Our government is out to control the world, and for them to be able to do all of this, they've first got to be able to control us at home. Many of the Patriot Act's provisions are virtually identical to the German "Enabling Act" of 1933 (see www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/colmes2.html ), which is the act that enabled the Nazi take-over of Germany.
So guess what? It not only *can* happen here, we're right in the middle of it happening. This 2257 business is just the tip of the iceberg.
And of course, the first steps in controlling the populace are to disarm them (so we have all the gun control laws being passed), and to silence them - so we come to the muzzling of our First Amendment rights. Legislation against pornography such as 2257 is just the tip of the iceberg.
We have had many other abuses of our right to free speech, including even well-behaved protestors at the Republican National Convention being cordoned off a *mile* away from where George Bush was to be speaking, literally behind barbed wire, where they wouldn't be seen or heard. I'm just starting to learn about the extent of all of this, but it is pervasive. I am in communication with a well-respected journalist and blogger (Jack Dalton, whose blog can be found at jack-dalton.blogspot.com/2005/...e.html ), who is working hard to try to expose much of this who routinely has his Internet access cut off, for example - and it's verifiably
*not* due to spam or his ISP being down. What he's told me has convinced me he's right, that it's definitely people higher up the food chain being unhappy with what he's saying, trying to muzzle him. These are just two examples, but it is going on all over the place.
We've also got private citizens being arrested literally on the bus on the way to work - for the offense of refusing to show ID upon demand by police and armed guards who boarded expressly for the purpose of making people show their IDs. The Constitution guarantees freedom from such harassment - which we are familiar with as a tactic used in places like Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union, but it didn't stop Deborah Davis from being arrested. See www.papersplease.org/davis/index1.html Thank God the government has decided not to prosecute in this case, but if this isn't an example of the writing being on the wall for us all, I
don't know what is.
Oh, yes, and in case you weren't aware, we're going to be getting national identity cards in 2008. These cards are going to have computer chips embedded that will have extensive information on us, and they're going to be *required* for many things - like getting a driver's license - and be capable of tracking our movements and behaviors. "Papers please", anyone? See www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/colmes1.html for how this played out in Nazi Germany, and www.unrealid.com/index.html , and the CNet FAQ at
news.com.com/FAQ+How+Rea...5697111.html for more information on how this will affect us all.
The events of 9/11 just played right into this whole grand plan, giving Bush the pretext he needed to launch the Patriot Act (which was essentially already in the works anyways), with our countrymen just rolling over like sheep, handing over the keys to the henhouse to the fox, all in the name of hoping for a kind of security that can never actually exist, and certainly not without unacceptable loss of far too many of our civil rights. In fact, it can be proven that not only did the US know the attacks were coming, despite official denials, but Cheney himself was probably directly involved in actively facilitating them. (See my recent listing on this subject.)
I've never been one to view the world through the lens of suspected conspiracies, especially of the governmental sort, and have in fact always pooh-poohed them, but the more I learn about everything that is going on in this country and the world, the more convinced I become that this is, in fact, the granddaddy of all conspiracies.
If you haven't read _Crossing the Rubicon_ by Michael Ruppert, I recommend you get a copy and get reading right now. It is without a doubt one of the most important books of our generation, and it ties all of this together (and much, much more). If it doesn't leave you stunned and disillusioned and ready to fight, you probably aren't breathing, or are lacking more than two brain cells. You can order a copy (and start reading on the topics it raises) on the From the Wilderness site at www.fromthewilderness.com
Ruppert is a seasoned, decorated homicide detective who was bounced unceremoniously from his job with the LAPD without ever having had any disciplinary action against him when he started discovering the US government ties to the drug industry in South America, and _Crossing the Rubicon_ brings all of his professional detective skills to the investigation of 9/11 and the rest, so it is incredibly well-researched and fully documented.
(If you want more background behind this about how all of this fits in with US governmental policy since this country began, also check out Howard Zinn's _A People's History of the United States_.)
I've known for years that something like this *could* happen, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it could possibly happen as fast as it is, or, frankly, to the extent that's actually occurring. I'm as guilty as the next guy of paying no attention for years, but I'm awake and listening now, and this post is the distillation of some of the most important things I've learned in recent months.
Come join me, and help take back our country. What else really matters if we lose our civil rights and freedoms?
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